Tuesday, May 27, 2014

It's Been a Long Time

But really, very little has happened in the Nest. Several bad things at work, but this is not a place for whining. A sudden, sharp descent into perimenopause that maybe should also not be detailed (so as not to scare anyone under 30 who might read this). The onset of hot weather abnormally early, which suggests we're in for a long, hot summer, which will just make me yearn for more temperate, greener clims with water even more than I am already.

Mr. Big celebrated his 14.5 month birthday two weeks ago. The sudden onset of heat is hard on him, and his acupuncture vet was out of town for 5 weeks, so he became very stiff and very weak in the rear end without his regular maintenance. Hopefully, we can get him back on track now that she's returned.

I undertook the 28 Day Challenge that Prevention magazine hosted, and lost about 1.5 lbs. My personal goal was to do the weekly exercises so as to get back on track with my hand weights and exercises, since that's where I've had trouble since Biggie got sick and the puppy came. I think it may have helped with that, so I'm repeating the challenge on my own in June to see if the exercising can become more routine.  Keeping track of my diet for three months with the food app on my new phone shows that I am remarkably consistent with my diet, although there's always room for improvement.

And speaking of diets, here's my holiday weekend surprise discovery: grilled pineapple. Delicious! I can't believe how incredibly sweet and juicy this pineapple was. T came over, with her dog, and took the pineapple crown back to grow. In her garden, it will. In mine, it would have just been burnt to a crisp.

And let's see if I can upload a photo from my phone to this blog. My new mini rosebush that is my current centerpiece.

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